
Seriously, Again....?

I'm transgender. From a very young age, I hated my birth name, and I first decided to go by a different name when I was 12 (back then, it was a masculine nickname of my birth name given to me by an ex-friend). It's changed about forty times since then.

I've never been able to stick with a name for very long. This, I realized recently, is definitely due to the fact that I have complex dissociative identity disorder, and am constantly shifting in and out of being me, being someone else, being me a little to the left, being a stranger, so on and so forth. I'm all of these different people with different names and I'm rarely ever just me. I have hundreds of alters and multiple sub-systems. It makes sense, I think, that I can never pin down a concrete identity for a very long.

I recently wrote a zine on choosing Pepper as a name, about how I switched names every time a trauma occurred and that I was going to stick with Pepper forever because things had gotten better. But now I don't know. I feel like I'm becoming a different person again, somehow, and I want a new name.

But my site is branded after my name. It's everywhere. I have a custom domain with my name in it. It would be way too much effort to rebrand. So what do I do?